
Welcome to the DF Racing worldwide information website, where you’ll find lots of information about the DF Racing family of radio yachts. We have the DF65 which is a great introduction to the sport of radio sailing and the DF95 which is the next step up the ladder in your radio sailing career.

The DF Concept was initially conceived  by John Tushingham and Mike Weston who had a desire to produce an affordable radio sailing yacht which sailed well, had all the tuning aids that a larger radio yacht had and that was available off the shelf so that fleets could grow quickly.


The concept came to fruition in 2013 with the DF65, based on the Ice RG65 by Mark Dicks. Produced by Joysway Hobby Co in China the DF65 was an instant hit and to date (early 2016) there are over 12,000 boats out there sailing and racing. Whilst the DF65 was finding its feet John Tushingham was approached again by Joysway to produce a large radio yacht.

The original lines came again from Mark Dicks with JT and Buzz Coleman spending many hours perfecting the design and layout of the new yacht. Production prototypes arrived for testing and evaluation in August 2015 and since then there has been a flurry of activity to make sure that the final production boats are absolutely correct.


Through 2021 an International Class Association (DF ICA) was formed to represent all DF sailors across all countries. The association is governed by its Constitution and Regulations.

The Association has a set of guiding principle for the conduct of racing the restricted design classes that are set out in our “Founders Statement” which can be found at the front end of the Constitution, link above.